• RHS Endorsed
  • PEFC Certified
  • Made in Britain

Classic 'Grand Grow & Store'

Artikel Nr.: GS0310R

The 'Grand Grow & Store' is a larger version of our popular half shed half greenhouse structure. At 13ft 6in in width the structure offers a storage and growing space.

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Preis inkl. MwSt.

Ab 14.399,00 €

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Versand voraussichtlich in Woche 23

The 'Grand Grow & Store' is a larger version of our popular half shed half greenhouse structure. At 13ft 6in in width the structure offers;

  • A growing space; big enough to house a side of staging and shelving, and grow an ample amount of plants and crops.
  • A storage space. Large enough to store all of your gardening tools and essentials, or like our client testimonial below, a convenient location to protect your garden furniture without cluttering up your home.

The greenhouse is glazed in toughened safety glass, and the shed is entirely constructed of the finest Western Red Cedar with a powder coated aluminium roof to keep the shed section watertight.

As with all of our structures the 'Grand Grow and Store' can be extended to any length necessary, with the option of adding extra ventilation, cedar boarding, or even additional doors, some example of which can be seen in our photo gallery. Panels can be extended from a minimum of 3 panels (1884mm) to a maximum of 10+ panels.

As with all of our greenhouses, the 'Grand Grow and Store' comes with a 12 year structural guarantee, giving you added security in your purchase.

Gabriel Ash represents the finest of wooden greenhouses.

If you would like more information, please contact us via e-mail enquiries@gabrielash.com or call 01242 662926.

Alternatively, we will happily send you our greenhouse brochure.

*Prices seen here are applicable to UK residents only.

We have many Gabriel Ash distributors who are based outside of the UK and will be more than happy to assist you with your Gabriel Ash enquiry. Please refer to the Gabriel Ash international distributors for more information.

NameClassic Grand Grow & Store - 10 Paneel - Schuppen Rechts
MarkeGabriel Ash
Länge (metrisch)5,950
Breite (metrisch)4,105
Höhe (metrisch)2,684
Anzahl der Fenster3
Shed placementSchuppen rechts

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Classic 'Grand Grow & Store'

Versand voraussichtlich in Woche 23

Ab 14.399,00 €

Preis inkl. MwSt.